What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion is the anti-fast fashion or ‘slow-fashion’ movement. It's all about clothes that look good, feel good and do good. Sounds... great! Right?

Genuinely sustainably-minded brands and designers care about the impact they are having on the planet. They don’t exploit the environment or abuse human rights in the name of style.

What makes a fashion brand (more) sustainable, you ask?

While no brand in the world can be classed as 100% sustainable, there is a world of difference between those that are genuinely working to improve the fashion industry and those that are profiting from exploitation (while talking about 'progress').

There are a hundred different actions a brand can take to make their clothing more people- and planet-friendly. But, the foundations of sustainable fashion comes down to: having a supply chain where workers are treated and paid fairly, using as eco-friendly production practices and materials as possible, being transparent and crucially, producing less.

That's what we demand of every brand we feature on in our directory. And they love it when we ask they do even more. (Genuinely. It means they know they're in good company.)

What is sustainable fashion? latest


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